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SUMMARY FOR POLICY-MAKERS – Twenty-fifth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP25) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Madrid, Spain, December 2019

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This Summary for Policymakers accompanies the Guide to the Negotiations produced every year by IFDD as support for the sessions of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). To assist negotiators in understanding better the challenges of the 25th session of the COP (COP25), this analyses firstly the climate package adopted at the end of COP24 (December 2018, Katowice), progress at the intersession in Bonn in June 2019 and the various negotiating points left hanging.

The major issues on the COP25 negotiating Agenda are then dealt with point by point, with special attention paid to the cooperation mechanisms covered by Article 7 of the Paris Agreement. Questions relating to nationally-determined contributions (NDC), adaptation and financing, modalities, procedures and guidance of the enhanced transparency framework, questions of support for building up capacities and technology, loss and damage, gender and gender equality, agriculture and the essential involvement of non-Party entities are also dealt with.

This guide has benefited from inputs from a group of authors and contributors from different French-speaking countries who have been involved in the climate negotiations for many years. A Review Committee made up of personalities has also been set up. The format of the Guide has been streamlined compared with previous editions in order to offer every individual – negotiator or representative of the academic world, public or private organisations, civil society organisations or international institutions – access to the information he needs to comprehend the negotiations.

We are hopeful that the various contributions will meet the expectations of our readers.

This document has been prepared by ENERGIES 2050 on behalf of the Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD – Institute of the French-speaking world for Sustainable Development). It does not necessarily represent the viewpoint of one or other of these organisations, nor that of the presidency of COP25.

This document was updated on the basis of information available as at 23 October 2019.

ISBN : 978-2-89481-310-2

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